
DBK Blog

DBK Blog is a user-friendly application that lets you create and manage your own blog. It’s designed to be easy to use, even if you don’t have technical knowledge. With DBK Blog, you can write and publish posts, navigate through published content, and even have an administration interface to manage your blog.

Project Details

DBK Blog offers features such as post management, enabling users to create, edit, and delete their blog posts effortlessly. The application’s intuitive interface allows visitors to explore published posts through categorized lists, search functionality, and pagination. It incorporates search engine optimization techniques, including canonical URLs and SEO-friendly URLs, to enhance visibility and discoverability on search engines. Moreover, the application facilitates engagement by user personalized recommendation and commenting system, where users can leave comments and interact with other readers. Lastly, DBK Blog enables easy sharing of blog posts via email, promoting wider readership and engagement with the content.

Project Requirements

DBK Blog has been successfully developed using Python as the programming language and Django as the web framework. The project was completed within a timeframe of approximately 2 months, demonstrating efficient development and timely delivery. PostgreSQL was chosen as the database management system, ensuring reliability and scalability for storing and retrieving blog data.